Mission Statement: Documents of Vatican Council II state that the Parish, the scriptural Body of Christ, is a community of faith called to carry out the mission of Jesus. Therefore, the Parish Pastoral Council is a very important and meaningful part of the mission. Individuals are called to use their particular talent in ways that make the Parish Community sensitive and responsive to the needs of its people.
Elias Ayoub
Joseph P. Checrallah, Jr.
Joan Badway
Suzanne Cannon
Bernie Dilullo
Derek Iacobucci
Saba Khoury
Joelle Kosseifi
Nancy Pasquariello
Michael Saker
Anthony Rebello
Chris Thomas
Debra Thomas
So, we, the living members of the Mystical Body of Christ, are encouraged and urged by the documents of Vatican II to be more expressive of our faith by helping to direct and administer St. George's Parish on a never-ending mission to serve our Lord, Jesus Christ.